The department of Political Science,Dhamdhama Anchalik College was established in the year 1989. Though the department has been functioning since 1989,it received Gauhati University permission for general class in the year 1993. The department has started major classes in 1993,but received permission from Gauhati University in 2008. Since it established,the department has been trying its best to help students in in persuing their ambition and dream. The department has produced university topper and numerous quality students.
As a core department of Dhamdhama Anchalik College,the department of POLITICAL SCIENCE is dedicated to develop the intelectual quality and talents of the students by highlighting the motto of the college ‘TAMASOMA JYOTIRGAMAYA’(from darkness,lead me to light). This department think it as duty to serve humanity by create some socially,morally and politically responsible citizens by a all round development of the students.
1) The department of Political Science seeks to build up leadership quality with active and informed manner so that they can use their communication,anlytical and reasearch skills to make improvement in their community and the society as a whole.
2) To fulfill the achievement of the students with their potentials in their academic ,physical,creative and spiritual developement so that they can become empowered as to be a worthy and capable citizen to nurture the society as well as the nation.
3) To broadening the scope of study,this department like to highlight on political,social and environmental awarness among the students to ensure sustainable developement in the society with a heathy atmosphere.
4) Increase awarness among students regarding human right issues,gender issues and other sensitive areas to find out solutions.